Today, Brooke Louise Lyla Hanson, who I am so very proud of for standing with me when her heart is breaking, and I went along to Hertswood Academy to share our story about Josh, knife crime and our lives as the victims of knife crime. The hugs and compassion from the pupils and staff was heartwarming and their feedback was powerful and thought provoking. It was lovely to see one of our charity volunteers from year 9 today too, Graham Griffin Conner is a credit to you and we even managed a get in a big hug.
Thank you to Hertfordshire Police and Borehamwood Police for your support and care and for giving us the opportunity to help stamp out knife crime, we are proud to be working with you. Lovely meeting you, Carrie Ann Lewis and your pupils from other year groups, their questions were motivational and inspiring, so very brave of them too.
It was lovely to see Michelle McPhillips and Patrick Boyce and to be able to talk and ‘share’ and thank you Janette Collins and Nikki for all of your help with our PowerPoint preparations and your support on Monday over tea and sandwiches.
Things only change when everyone works together, I am so proud to say that today we made that happen the impact on all of us was a positive one.
No one wants knife crime in their life and as we said today, life is precious and no one has the right to tell anyone anything different. Love you Josh, I hope we made you proud you beautiful Son of mine ????#changingthestoryaboutknifecrime #justiceforjoshhanson #victimsvoice#makingchanges #teamwork