8 Years Ago Today

My beautiful son Josh was killed 8 years ago today in the early hours of the morning. As I write this post I am feeling every emotion that I felt back then. Shock, denial, fear, anger, sadness and the desperate desire to hold him in my arms as he lay alone. No one should ever…

Happy 29th Birthday Josh

Happy 29th Birthday Josh I would have been celebrating Josh’s 29th birthday with him today if his life had not been taken from him in an unprovoked, brutal, and violent knife attack. I would have been looking forward to ordering his birthday cake (Oreo was his favourite) and booking our usual table at our favourite…

Christmas Past

She woke up to a Mother’s worst nightmare to be told her precious, funny, kind and caring 21-year-old son had been stabbed. Shortly thereafter she was told that he had died from his injury by suffocating on his blood as he fought hard to stay alive. The horror, disbelief and pleading with God and the…

My Grief Journey

I know self-care is important for our well-being but having said that I am not good at it. Self-care means sitting with my grief which I avoid. My complicated grief and trauma are easier to manage when I work as many hours that I can physically fit in. If I am busy and not alone…

Our Last LCF Funded Art Trauma Workshop

Sadly after a year, we held our last London Community Foundation funded trauma recovery art workshop on the 30th April. It was a very sad and emotional afternoon for everyone who came along, and also for those who couldn’t make it this time. However, despite the sadness, a couple of uplifting and positive things happened on…